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pedigree Hany

Armi Tišnovská Perla
Alpha Ji-nan at Bullit
Margem´s Saporo Draft
Margem´s Tsing Tao
Tidewater ´s Magnolia Blossom
Alpha Mango of Gotham
Row-Sand´s Inferno Alpha
Aplha Romantic Interlude
Orsa Antilo CS
Rufus v.Oekonom
Edkay´s Whu Won Kai Shi
Nolla de Nongren v.Oekonom
Anetta Antilo CS
Idefix de Nongren vom Oekonom
Bea v.Lowenhaus
Tina Antilo Gold Pei
Panache Sudden Impact
Chesapeake´s Beam Me Up Scotty
Panache Outback Red Chesapke
Krug´s slinky
Panache Cherry Cola
Ding-Ho Red Man Chew Panache
Kuozu´s Little Debbie
Fida Antilo CS
Ki-Mai´s Blue Boxer
Jago de Nongren vom Oekonom
Samurai´s Tschi-Wu
Anetta Antilo CS
Idefix de Nongren vom Oekonom
Bea v.Lowenhaus